Sick day = Missed workout?


Happy Day Late Easter!

Last night was rough to say the least. I spent half the night coughing, sneezing, and blowing my nose. Once I woke up this morning I realized that everyone else in my family is feeling sick as well. The first thing I thought about after coming to grips with the fact that this cold may last a few days was my workout schedule. I know the workouts for this week, and today was supposed to be moderate (4 x 1000).  The competitive side of me always comes out when I miss a workout, and it frustrates me that someone may be training when I am not. However, maybe taking a rest day will set me a day ahead of my competitors. Mabye I need this rest day, and my sickness is the body’s way of telling me to take a rest. This brings me to the question(s)…………

How do you know when to take a rest, and when to push through?

Does missing a workout cause cause stress and fear for loss of conditioning/ability?


Recent Eats


Easter Break!


Hey, guys! I am on Easter break and do not have too much time for a post, so I thought I would show you some recent eats (on the road).

The only breakfast that keeps me full into lunch – pumpkin oats w/ greek yogurt, cinnamon, pumpkin, and peanut butter…..topped with kashi fiber twigs

A great book to read on the (long) ride! Book review coming soon!

Caramel and Chocolate Kashi Bar

Green Bean “chips” with a laughing cow cheese

Subway sandwich with all the veggies except olives and pickles. Dressing = sweet onion and red wine vinegar

Questions – Do you find it hard to eat healthy on road trips?

What are some of your favorite snacks to bring on the car ride?

A long brake


I have not blogged since August, and I left with no explanation. I just dropped of the blog world, and spent time to focus on myself. I did this because I realized I was not fully healed from my disordered eating, and I was sick of portraying something I wasnt. However, over this time I am proud to say that I have overcome many obstacles that used to hinder me. I no longer feel guilty about eating a bowl of ice cream, and have learned to enjoy life to the fullest. That is why I have decided to let blogging back into my life, and I hope you forgive me for my time spent away.

Random Update


I have not updated in a while because this week has been CRAZY! XC began and I had orientation.

Pumpkin and egg whites oats

Peanut butter and jelly on toast after morning practice. Also a cup of coffee.

Spinach and steak salad.

Rasberry yogurt mixed in with peanut butter!


XC has begun:)


I have two xc practices a day one in the morning and one in the evening. Today we did a total of 9 1/2 miles.

– I woke up early and ate oatmeal about 45 minutes before breakfast

I had chocolate oats with 1/4 cup of steel cut oats, almond milk, chocolate pb2, egg whites, and carob powder…..with kashi on top of course:)

Dinner was a steak, bean, and avocado salad! It was so delicious.

A bedtime snack was maple almond butter and whole wheat thins

Green Smoothie and other Eats!


Question of the day: Do you believe in having treat meals on weekends just for the sake of having junk?

My usual oatmeal! It looks kind of gross but is SO good:)

Spinach and chicken salad with a kombucha….honestly I would not get that flavor again….but I am looking forward to trying different flavors

Then I had a yummy green smoothie with….

1 cup of almond milk

1 packet of truvia

Half a banana

A handful of spinach

Health Book review


Lately I have been reading the Eat-Clean Diet books! They are extremely interesting and I hope everyone gets a chance to read them at sometime. The books have interesting tips and motivational stories about how to stay healthy the RIGHT way. Do not let the word diet fool you these books are about a healthy LIFESTYLE not DIET.




Right now I am curled up on my bed with a blanket reading blogs:) I am at my family lake house and it feels good to get some alone time!

– Today I did a warm up/ cool down jog for 20 minutes and hill repeats

 Turkey wrap with gazpacho and an apple

Egg white oatmeal with kashi and dates on top

My eats


I have been pretty busy lately so I have not taken as many pictures as I would have liked:( However I did go to a play and it was soo fun!

Anway back to what I have been eating…..

Pumpkin greek yogurt with cereal for a snack

Kale salad with La Tortilla factory tortilla

This was delicious

OIAJ! I rejoice every time I see my peanut butter jar is almost empty

Lately I have been reading this! I encourage everyone to read it:)

Foodie Food


I know it gets old seeing this everyday but these are PROTEIN OATS!

1/4 cup of steel-cut oats

1 egg white

1/4 cup of plain greek yogurt

Scoop of vanilla whey protein powder

1/2 cup of pumpkin

– Now top it all off with a tablespoon of peanut butter and a shredded date

Earl Grey Tea Latte with non fat milk and sugar free vanilla syrup